Friday, October 29, 2010

We will all miss you

It is hard to believe that it has only been a week since we lost "meemaw".  As I settle into my daily routine I am more aware of the profound impact this loss has had on me and my family. Meemaw was bigger than life and her presence was always felt.  It feels strange not to ask Bruce "how is Mom today?" or think of the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday and realize that there will not be the beloved apple sauce that my children loved so much.  
Meemaw, we will all miss you.  You went out in style, make up and all.  
Love ya.  Rachel

Thursday, October 28, 2010


It is an honor and a privledge for me to be able to share some memories and thoughts about my beloved and adored aunt. As I was told, "Auntie"got  her name when my sister Bonnie first spoke and could not pronounce "Aunt Enid". Auntie she became and Auntie she remained. My Auntie was one of the most influential people in my life. Through the years growing up, our families spent much time together. Our Sundays spent in Spring Valley and then Pomona were among my fondest memories as a child. The Siegel home was such a warm, loving and nurturing place to be. What wonderful days filled with love, laughter- and of course Auntie's chicken and Aunties rice!! Secretly, I always wished that I was growing up in THAT house.
I have such vivid memories of the day that Lisa and Jane were born. I was on my parents bed when the call came through- My Uncle Larry was almost incoherent - not one but TWO girls!!!! I had never experienced such joy before.
As I got older and became an adult, Auntie became my friend and confidante (as well as the second mother we always joked she was). Always there, whether to give advice or  just listen, she always had the time for me. It almost seemed that she was just sitting by that telephone waiting for my call. I never remember Auntie cutting me short or even having to call me back. She was always there for me-  with an open ear and a more open heart. Never judgemental, always loving and assuring.
How fortunate you all were to have my Auntie as your Meemaw. She was so proud of all of your accomplishments, big and small. She always spoke to me of all of your ventures and successes. I am sure that you all must have such wonderful memories- savor them.
My last words are to my beloved uncle. I can't comprehend your loss. Your love was one that they write stories about. My daughter Melissa recently told me that her dream in life is to have a love and marriage as true and as beautiful as yours and Auntie's was. How lucky you were to have had that love.
I love you all- Linda 

from the meyerheims in Israel

Our Dearest Janie and family,
Our thoughts and love are with all of you. We are sorry we could not be with at this time.
We share in your feelings of warm thoughts and love for your Mom...
As we light our candles tomorrow and welcome in Shabbat here in Israel, I will say a special prayer for Enid and add a special candle in her honor.
As I have learned, special people live forever in the most sacred places of ourselves...our hearts, and in that place they are forever.
Our love is with all of you, as always.

הרבה אהבה


So much love

I have Mee-maw on the mind. I keep replaying so many scenes from the beautiful and heartbreaking weekend we spent honoring the life of the amazing and compassionate woman I was lucky enough to call Mee-Maw. I know that she was so deeply in love with her family, and so proud of us all.

I still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that I'll never again see her smiling face as she holds her arms open for a hug, or hear her sweet voice on the phone, telling me of her boundless love. Yet I remain grateful for the 29 years I was granted to know and love Mee-Maw, and the love she shared with her family lives on in us. I'm not sure I'll ever 'get over' the loss of my grandma; it's as if one of the warmest, brightest lights in my life flickered out last Friday. But I'll always have memories of Mee-Maw and her enormous heart, and I have also been blessed with an amazing family, a family that embodies the generosity of spirit epitomized by Enid Gloria Siegel.

Rest in peace, Mee-Maw. You are already sorely missed.


I miss you and think about you every single day. Thank you for my beautiful rings, everyone loves them and I think of you every time I look at them. I love you, I love you, I love you. -Allison


Please post this in the blog!


David Siegel

914 909 0280



In honor and memory of a beautiful mother and days gone by……

campfire for enid with sophie singing

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

the rollercoaster of loss

from disbelief to acceptance; from pain to celebtation of the joy of her life (as we all experienced this weekend). The love of my mother, profound, abounding, endless. She will be in my heart until my day has come. My memories are pure, as I cared for until her last breath. I am grateful to have her remains with us, a site for all of us to come and celebrate her life, just as she would have wanted.
the love that we shared this weekend is a testament to the love created by enid gloria siegel, meemaw, grandma, mom, dine backwards, "E", LOVE, LOVE, LOVE and more LOVE.

my post to egs blog (dont know how to do it myself)!!!!

My family always did things in a big way. My Mom loved Grape Nut Flakes not Grape Nut pieces! It had to be the flakes…I bought her 10 boxes.  Everywhere my Mom or I went we were always hours early! My Mom was known for her style and grace.  Her presence was huge!!!! As I sit at the kitchen table with my Dad and sister, she would be saying “I am having the BEST time!” I called my Mom everyday at 7:30AM. Thankfully we  finally came to a peaceful place in our relationship.   My heart cries for you Mama… I prayed everyday that when you were ready to leave, you would go peacefully.  My prayers were answered…You will always be with me Mama….Every time I eat lobster, I am sharing it with you.    i love you. I love you, I love you!  Lisa Amy




Elyce Siegel

Account Executive

Cell: 203-619-4120

Fax: 203-701-1980

